
    ET performs again a guest lecture at TVVL
    1000 638 ET Management and Advice

    ET Management and Advice was recently allowed for a second lecture at the offices of the Technical Association for Heating and Air Conditioning (TVVL). It took place after about one year Bertus Toering debuted in Woerden with…

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    Commissioning can save lives
    1000 638 ET Management and Advice

    ET Management and Advice is regularly asked what commissioning is and why it is so important. When the answer comes that commissioning can save lives, Bertus Toering is stared glassy-eyed. Not only by laymen, but also in…

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    Bertus Toering gives guest lecture at TVVL
    500 319 ET Management and Advice

    A first and an honour at the same time: Bertus Toering, the face of ET Management and Advice, was invited to give a guest lecture at the offices of the Technical Association for Heating and Air Conditioning…

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    Utrecht University Museum soon preserves ‘old’ better thanks to ‘new’
    500 319 ET Management and Advice

    Success can be experienced as oppressive, even in a quiet environment like a museum. The University Museum Utrecht was bursting at the seams due to increasing interest and consequently a major renovation plan was launched in October…

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    ET Management & Advice involved in crown project in The Hague
    500 319 ET Management and Advice

    ET Management & Advice’s expertise has been called upon for a complex, progressive renovation of the headquarters of a trendsetting company in The Hague. This renovation is part of a larger plan in which the entire campus…

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    DBCA is now officially a fact
    500 319 ET Management and Advice

    The Dutch Building Commissioning Association (DBCA) foundation, to which ET Management and Advice is affiliated, has been officially established. Last week (end of June 2021) the DBCA was officially registered at the Chamber of Commerce. The goal…

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    ET Management & Advice now Sertum-registered
    500 319 ET Management and Advice

    ET Management & Advice has joined the Sertum register, the quality proof for recognised property maintenance experts. The registration means that Bertus Toering, the face of ET Management & Advice, is now officially recognised as Commissioning Manager…

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    Walkdowns at Microsoft sharpen all senses
    500 319 ET Management and Advice

    You may know them: the staredowns at boxing matches. Nobody wants to show their weakness, but once in the ring, sooner or later it turns out whether someone is well trained. The Walkdowns that ET Management and…

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    VU prepared for testing BV Cyclotrons
    500 319 ET Management and Advice

    There is no assignment more honorable for ET Management and Advice: checking a high-tech building that has been designed and built with the aim of making sick people better. And so ET Management and Advice is proud…

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    ET Management and Advice does the ‘QC’ at Microsoft
    500 319 ET Management and Advice

    You may have seen them when you drive on the highway A7 towards Hoorn direction to the Afsluitdijk: the almost endless linked buildings of Microsoft. Here at Agriport Microsoft’s mega data center is emerging, a project for…

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    ET gatekeeper of the Central Government Real Estate Agency
    500 319 ET Management and Advice

    Housing from high quality which is also innovative and looking beautiful. Housing in which architectural, urban and energy ambitions are fused into real estate pearls. That is the vision of the Central Government Real Estate Agency and…

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